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Top Mistakes Committed by Students While Studying for Exams

Top Mistakes Committed by Students While Studying for Exams The examinations play a major role in deciding the overall academic performance of the students. While studying or preparing for the exams, it is quite common for the students to commit silly and unintended mistakes. However, these mistakes could lead to serious impacts on the life

Top Tips to Increase Concentration While Studying

Top Tips to Increase Concentration While Studying It could be quite daunting for the students to study in a concentrated manner. However, concentration is vital to study in an effective manner and to achieve success in life. Here are some effective tips to increase concentration while studying: Find Appropriate Study Environment: The environment in which

Top Must-Read Books for the Students

Top Must-Read Books for the Students There is no denying that reading is vital for the students. Be it the course books or the novels; reading has its own charm and benefits in the life of a student. Reading helps in broadening the mental horizons of the minds of the students and in enlightening them

Unmissable Memory Hacks for the Students

As young students, the mind has endless capabilities. Therefore, it is recommended for the young minds to hone their cognitive thinking abilities and expand their mental horizons. We present to you some helpful memory hacks which will help any scholar in boosting the thinking and learning capabilities of the mind. Have a read: Repetitive Learning:

10 Ways to learn better

Medical technology has improved by leaps and bounds and so has our understanding of almost every organ of our body except of course our brain.  It would be falsehood to deny any knowledge about the functioning of the brain, but a lot more is buried deep for us to uncover. A common myth or fact,

The Benefits of setting up a Math Lab in your School

Many school students even today express displeasure to learn math viewing it as dull and boring and lacking in application. To them math means either to get something right or wrong. When they get it wrong they view it as a failure and lose interest while there are other students who learn enough tricks to

9 Advantages of Multisensory Learning

The best way to make children learn is to allow them to see it! Hear it! Do it! Touch it! And here’s why? “Tell me and I’ll forget, Show me and I may remember, Involve me and I’ll understand.” The above Chinese proverb expresses in three lines what multisensory learning is all about. It is

7 Tips to increase concentration

7 Tips to increase concentration Concentration in today’s fast paced world, replete with distraction dramas, is an elusive commodity. Another word for it is focus. Concentration is more important than the amount of time spent learning. Even access to gadgets and gizmos, fancy pens and paper rolls won’t create any impact on your learning if

5 Tips to learn faster

5 Tips to learn faster Learning and learning to learn well is the most valuable skill in personal and professional life. So, begin to build these skills as early in life as is possible, preferably when you’re still a student. Rid yourself of the performance mindset and replace it with a learning mindset. When learning

5 Good Reasons why Critical Thinking is Important

5 Good Reasons why Critical Thinking is Important Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or believe. It is also the ability to reflect and think independently of what one perceives and sees.  It is a skill which one needs to cultivate by investing time and sweat. It