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Types of Labs and Their Uses

Controlled experiments and many analyses mostly take place in laboratory environments, specialized for specific experiments in specific fields. The existence of these laboratories have greatly helped humans, scientifically, technologically and as a species, develop, grow and foster more knowledge. With the increased reliance on many fields of study on labs, there’s been the growth of

Developing Innovative Educational Concepts

Teaching, being a social foundation serving the requirements of people, is crucial for society to survive and flourish. It ought to be complete, manageable, and great, it must also ceaselessly advance to address the difficulties of the quick changing and unusual globalized world. These innovative educational concepts must be fundamental, steady, and adaptable; consequently, teachers,

Digital Proliferation in Education

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”, goes a famous saying. The current education system is continuously evolving. As such, there is a high need of the education system to adopt the latest advanced technology and innovations in an effective manner. The government is taking big steps

Aryabhatta – The Indian Mathematician

You must have heard about Aryabhatta- the leading Indian mathematician. Aryabhatta –also known by the name Aryabhatta I lived during the time 476-550 CE (presumably). The century of his life is still not clear. He was a famous Indian mathematician and an astronomer who became famous in the world for his immense contributions to the

Science Facts

Love science? Indeed for some students, it might have been a daunting experience learning science. Science is one subject that goes beyond the education received at schools or colleges. Science goes to some another level from the rocket science to even the minutest of biological science. For your surprise, there are several science facts that

8 Amazing Facts From The World of Science

Science is the most amazing thing in this universe. It is beyond our imagination, and beyond all magic tricks, you might have seen round you. Here are a few astonishing things that are known to the world because of advances made by the science. New Born Babies have about 100 additional bones than a grown

Life and Times of Albert Einstein

Even though he did not receive the Nobel Prize for it, Albert Einstein is most well-known for his discovery of Theory of Relativity. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 at Wurttemberg, a historical German territory. Then after six weeks, his family left for Munich. At Munich, Albert instigated his education at the Luitpold Gymnasium, a secondary school

Every Student Is Born With A Different Learning Style

For years together teachers and students had to go through a tough decision of how to learn and teach. As each teacher has his/her own style of teaching so is the style that differs with each student. The actual problem arises when the styles of both contradict to a large extent. Even when you notice

Education Trends in 2017

As said by the influential Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which can change the world.”  With the ever evolving technological advancements, the education field is witnessing drastic changes. Traditional learning or conventional learning is of the bygone era. Practical learning is gaining impetus and is more appreciated which helps people learn more

Tips for Students to Cope Up with Their First Year in College

Tips for Students to Cope Up with Their First Year in College Is this your first time in college? College as a freshman could be exhilarating and an overwhelming experience at the same time. There is a mixture of excitement and nervousness about starting the first year of college life. If this is your plight,