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Education that promotes Innovation

What can Indians do? Well, we are rocket fliers, software engineers, cricketers, and curry eaters. This is the impression that many foreigners have about us! With a young population that’s bubbling with talent, we should have been called inventors, innovators, and discoverers. Sadly, that isn’t the case. We Indians are a huge market for foreign

A New Dimension of Learning Away from Textbooks

We don’t need no education. We don’t need no thought control – Pink Floyd That was a song in the 1970s. The process of educating has come a long way from that. Children have a right to express themselves and learn in a manner that is comfortable for them. Though many things have changed, the

How I Cracked the CA Exam

Passion is the Genius of Genius – Galileo Galilei Hi Friends. It is a great feeling for me to be the youngest person to clear the Charted Accountancy exams in India. For most of you, this might come as a surprise that there is talent in India that can achieve better! Most of you think

Every Student Needs a Laboratory

Amazing things come out of experimentation! While Newton had a mischievous apple tree to comprehend gravity, all that we have is a textbook and a teacher who painstakingly tries to make us understand. Would this work? It doesn’t most often!  Over the years, the drudgery of students is to understand and master concepts that they

Driving the Devil out of Mathematics

Pure Mathematics is the poetry of logical ideas – Albert Einstein For most of us, it is a horror to see a mathematics problem that we don’t know head or tail of. It is as if the equations and symbols have suddenly become alien and are intimidating. However, when taught in the proper manner, mathematics