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The Key to instantly improve your problem solving skills

The Key to instantly improve your problem solving skills   Every successful person is highly skilled at problem solving. Your problem solving ability catapults you into a new dimension of success. At work or in life, you are most remembered for the problems you solve than anything else you do. Think; Apple, Google, or Facebook

Why is Imagination is vital for Learning

Why Imagination is vital for Learning Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere – Albert Einstein. I know that there have been numerous blogs about the topic of imagination and learning; however, I wish to throw some light on the apathy this faculty of our brains is subject to

7 Foolproof Ways to Improve Your Memory

7 Foolproof Ways to Improve Your Memory Memory is the mother of thinking while focus is its father. So, in order to think you need a symphony of both. Your brain’s hippocampus or the memory center is able to grow new cells and it regenerates throughout your entire lifetime even into your 90s provided you

Teaching Mathematics to Special Children

The progression of learning math from the early childhood to the classroom is from finger counting beads to deciphering abstract symbols on page. The moment we became comfortable counting beads with our fingers, we were pushed past to count the trees, passing road signs, guessing the number of beans in a jar without the advantage

How to help School Students Understand Geometry

How to help Students Understand Geometry Playing with shapes ushers children into geometry long before they set foot in the classroom and formally study it. Though children can naturally think spatially, deliberate instruction is required as a scaffolding to navigate them through several levels of geometric understanding and reasoning. Since children can only memorize geometric

How to Eradicate the Fear of Mathematics in School Students

How to Eradicate the Fear of Mathematics “The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.” – PAUL HALMOS Does your ward become gloomy on hearing the word “mathematics?” Do the numbers and calculations appear as Greek and Latin to him/her? Well it is quite likely they fear maths to the point of avoiding

How to make learning Biology easy for Students

How to make learning Biology easy for Students For many of the students, grasping concepts of Biology may be a daunting task or bewildering to say the least. In the present curriculum offered by educational institutions, Biology is mandatory.  Initial apprehensions are quite common for anybody when they try to assimilate the gist of new

Advantages of Learning with an Abacus

The Ripple Effect of Abacus Learning Earlier only a hypothesis but now a fact, based on research data and high tech machinery, using an abacus to perform mental calculations develops the right brain. Also, besides a dramatic improvement in the ability to calculate, both on the abacus and mentally, there is a beneficial ripple effect

How to make learning Physics fun in schools

If You Know the Secret Sauce, Physics Can be Fun Richard Feynman said, “Physics isn’t fun, the pleasure is in finding things out.” Physics is based on a few concepts and fundamental relationships. But, before mastery of any of these comes the relevance of it as a subject. Until one understands how relevant something is

Benefits of Vedic Mathematics

Benefits of Vedic Mathematics India has been credited with some advanced mathematical discoveries at a very early time compared to the rest of the world.   It is a matter of great pride and honor for us that the early proponents of what we call modern mathematics,  were jewels from India like Aryabhata, Brahmagupta,   Bhaskara II,