How I Cracked the CA Exam
Passion is the Genius of Genius – Galileo Galilei
Hi Friends. It is a great feeling for me to be the youngest person to clear the Charted Accountancy exams in India. For most of you, this might come as a surprise that there is talent in India that can achieve better!
Most of you think that records are made only by special people and it is not in the reach of a common people. Let me tell you, the journey up there was as difficult for me as it would be for any other student.
We tend to idolize the gifted children and seal the story; however, we tend to neglect the struggle, perseverance, and the passion involved in these pursuits. I am of the belief that every child is gifted and it is only for the mentors to identify the talent and nurture it.
It is a God given boon that my talents were identified early on and I am hugely thankful to each and every one. What bothers me is that there are millions of such talented uncut diamonds in India who are not seeing the light of the day.
First, let me share my journey and how I cracked the CA exam. Initially, my interest and talent in mathematics was recognized by my parents. My ability to remember numerous textbooks and formulae was nurtured by my parents and I went on to become the World Memory Champion.
Though this was a gift given by God, I should thank my parents and teachers for urging me to pursue further. Whenever I had erred, my teachers and parents were very empathetic and made me realize my mistakes in a very comforting manner. With good teachers, I was able to excel in many aspects of education.
My love for mathematics was innate, but it was the manner that it was introduced to me that made the huge difference. As for the charted accountancy exams, it is known that it is one of the most difficult exams in the country. Students have to put in nine to ten study hours per day reducing their social lives to almost zero.
The sheer number of subjects and the level of comprehension required to crack the CA exam is very high. Though my innate talent gave me a clear edge, it never meant that I was exempt from hard work and struggle.
Many sleepless nights and days of toil were instrumental in making me the youngest to crack the CA exam in the country. More than my abilities, I would attribute my success to the passion to succeed and the support I got from my family and friends during times of distress.
Accounts, law, economics, taxation, costing, or quantitative analysis; all these subjects were alien to me till I began studying them. These are all the pillars upon which the commerce of the country runs on. So, the first step for me to understand these subjects was to understand their evolution. It was studying the very nature of human beings to conduct business and make sense.
Once I got the causational point of view, many vague and intricate concepts started making vivid sense to me. And, the rest was all sheer hard work. Over the hours of hard work, I always enjoyed the luxury of a broader perspective of the need for a structured procedure to conduct business.
You may not know that the pressure of being a child prodigy is tough to shoulder. Failure is something that is not expected of from them. Though the fear of failure was always haunting me, I was thoroughly enjoying the knowledge I had gained. It was this joy of learning that took me ahead!
Looking back, though I enjoy my moment of victory, I am distressed by the fact that there is an abundance of talent in India that is left unrecognized and untapped. Lost in the quagmires of schools, colleges, and the hinterlands of the society, there are children who have the capacity to shake the world with their intellect.
Having realized this, I feel that it a purpose worthwhile to search for such talent. Nischal Learning is a humble effort to bring to light the hidden geniuses in our country.